E-mail; renato@neartheriver.com


This is a Rock/Blues Song.


Welcome near the river, where cities are built;
driven by hope and illusion, marred by greed and corruption.
Welcome near the river, for anyone who leaves, a new one arrives.
With his dreams and his vision, often traded for sorrow and delusion.

welcome near the river; hide your soul behind, safely in your back pack.
Or the devil will take it and never give it back.
Welcome near the river, with his swirls and its bends, 
where from noting all begins and in nothing all it ends.
welcome near the river;  rain or shine, we never sit and cry,
We keep moving on. The city never surrender,
got the spirit of a fighter. always leading the pack
one morning may feel down, the next bounces back.
Welcome near the river the city never sleeps,
she keeps moving on. 
Welcome near the river.



This is a dark blues song.







I am the boss; the mastermind

I am a seer you are all blind.

I am a poet I am a mentor

I am a genius an inventor

And to prove all that I say

In a world of ass lickers

I have invented the ass-tray

Close your eyes and think I am sexy when I screw you,

If you want that promotion and see your dreams coming true.

Look attentive and impressed when I tell all that bullshit

Because, I am the boss.

I am the boss and that is it.




This is just a father' poem to his much loved son.


Your beauty at first sight,

Reminds the grace of seagulls in flight.

The shine on your face, the spark in your eyes,

Reminds the marvel of stars in the skies.

Your soul is as deep as it is the universe

Your smile keeps away the evil adverse.

You have all it takes, the old and the new

God fell exhausted blessing you.


This is my real perception about myself.

I was going through a difficult period of my life.

To survive the pain and sadness I felt it was thrown upon me, by adverse circumstances of life,

I forced myself to think that everything was hurting me, it was for a reason, it was because

I was strong enough to bear the pain.

If that negative and sad moment had fallen upon a less strong spirit,

Much probably wouldn't have survived.  So, I told myself pleasant lies.

I used to tell myself that

I was a hero keeping a smile and my happiness intact, by killing all evil and pain thrown at me, by transforming it in blinking stars in the sky.

Convincing myself that only the spirit of a Pisces

Could overcome all evil and pain and proudly hang them in the Pisces constellation as a trophy.


My Corner in the Sky;

All the happiness that I had,

all the moments of joy

are displayed on my smile

and the spark of joy on my eyes.

like a powerful sun ray

On a clear summer day.


All the hatred I received

all the sadness I lived

had become blinking stars

in my corner in the sky.

In the Pisces constellation

where all evil die.

AD. 1994.

The choice of girls was huge.

I just had to pick the one I liked. From college where I studied Travel and Tourism, to the travel agency where I was working as a Travel Agent. 

And the evenings spent in childish madness,

At dancing venues and dancing classes in London.

I couldn't stop having fun and took everything as a game that would last forever.

It didn't last for ever, I needed a change, I wanted to have some experience in an airline company and moved to Luton airport.

But before I left London, I wanted to write down in a poem my years as a Stray Spirit in transit, in the London night life venues.




(What a silly bluffer I was).


If you are looking for the right man,

I'll give you more than anybody can.

I'll make you feel spinning, on a heavenly ride

When you walk, on the street by my side.

I'll take you to, the garden of my soul.

Exotic flowers, inebriant scent you'll love recall.

A golden bench is there for you to sit on,

A full silver moon for you shinning on.

The garden of my soul is watered by the morning dew,

Day time is sunny,  I made it up just for you.

My soul don’t know the falling of the rain

On you, my moon won't shine on in vain.

Welcome sweet girl to the depth of my heart

You can do what you want, even tear it apart




I thought about composing this song for a week,

after a very dramatic event that happened in Peckham.


He was a sweet soul,

He had dreams he had (THE SMILE).

And a purpose in life.

Not so the lost soul, that was handling the knife. 

Chorus:  Damilola, Damilola, Damilola, Damilola. 

May the angels of mercy forgive what they have done

May the justice of God, reach where the human’s can't. 

Chorus:  Damilola, Damilola, Damilola, Damilola. 

On the streets of Peckham, nights and Days are all the same

every light and every shadow, every leaf on every three,

every brick on every wall, are all whispering his name. 

Chorus: Damilola, Damilola, Damilola, Damilola. 

We shall not see you anymore, with your friends playing around,

No more school no more computer, no more fuss in the play-ground.

No more running on the grass but your spirit and your smile,

Will for ever live with us.


This song is dedicated to Damilola Taylor, killed by other kids at the age of ten.  When this happened, I was very saddened and upset, because when I was ten,

I had the same hopes and dreams.  Me too wanted to escape the poverty of my home land and give better life to all my family.

Eventually things didn't go the way I hoped.  I didn't achieve all my objectives. But I am still alive, he is no longer with us.

I also hope, this song one day is sung in all churches, synagogues and mosques all over the world.
Because, children belong to humanity, regardless of religions.

It took me less than two hours to compose this.

Warning:  No one, under no circumstances, is allowed to make any money out of this song.


In The Beginning;   



55 BC,  

 Ships sailed off Port Itius,

Direction west to Dubris 

It was the windy Kentish coast

That saw them coming first. 

Riding the ocean waives

at the helm their best. 

The landing at Dubris was diverted amid fears

of landing in a storm of javelins and spears. 

Sailed further up, seven miles away,

From the Briton’s army on the white cliffs,

landing on Pegwell Bay.

Camped for short stay. 

Strong winds damaged ships and force-stopped the march

Caesar turned the ships back living Mandubracius in charge. 

54 B.C.    

Caesar was back for more.

with a larger force than before. 

Camped at Stower Cross before moving on

fought Cassivellaunus and won 

Day after day, Battle after battle, weapons in hand;

The mighty roman army moved further inland. 

Talks were made, compromises and agreements.

The subdue tribes, accept the rules and the payments.  

43 A.D.  

Claudius arrived won the battle of Medway

Then he moved on, conquering more lands on his way.

Set camp further up, north of the TAMEZ ESTUARY.

In a place to suit his war assets, his generals and cavalry. 

In a Misty morning, the silence was broken by the sound of a horn.

Tools in hand, the works began and LONDINIUM was born.

All That Bull!

This is a (protest) rock song.


Home after work, opened the window removed my tie.

Thrown the television right out into the sky.


No sense of remorse no sense of sin

The TV plunges down right into the bin.


With the license fee bought a pair of roller-skates

So, I have fun in the park with some of my mates.


Wind blowing on my face sense of freedom in my mind.

Away from manipulation and lies of any kind.


Away from all the nonsense preachers preach.

away from all the bullshit TV programs teach

Away from all the lies that politicians tell

away from all the rubbish that merchants sell


Away from:

(Children Chorus)


All the bullshit, they are preaching

All the bullshit, they are teaching

All the bullshit, they are telling

All the bullshit, they are selling


No more hatred no more lies

no more rubbish for my eyes

I am surfing on the street

like a surfer on the wave

Play my notes as I move in my imaginary stave.

Away from all the nonsense preachers preach

Away from all the bullshit TV programs teach.

Away from all the lies, the politicians tell

Away from all the bullshit the merchants sell.



Away from:

(Children Chorus);

All the bullshit, they are preaching

All the bullshit, they are teaching

All the bullshit, they are telling

All the bullshit, they are selling

Chorus, with a loud shout:



The Bus Driver Blues! 

two biscuits and a coffee, before the morning rush.

On the left hand a tube on the right a toothbrush. 

Minutes later I am on the bus,

driving up and down the road, 

Transporting with care my sweet and sour load.

Turning to the left turning to the right;  Pass the round about, straight at the traffic light.

Oh boy! This is the bus driver blues.

Yes, is the bus driver blues. 

The controllers on the stand with their grimace of pain

Whether I do it right or wrong must take their complaint.

Someone asks silly questions, like; Driver?  Are you passing by a church?

and sometimes some roads are closed, for demonstrations march.

Then some kids board the bus, yelling and making fuss.

running and stomping everywhere, Transforming a bus ride in a mobile fun fair.

Turning to the left turning to the right,

Pass the round about straight at the traffic light.

Is the bus driver blues. yes, is the bus driver blues.

the bus driver blues, the bus driver blues.

Back home back in my bed, on T.V. a reporter, telling the news

I play with my lover the night bus driver's blues.

Pulled the curtains closed, switched off the light

I'll see you in the morning from all of us goodnight.

By the genius, RENATO NIOI (off course).

For nearly five months I worked for a tourist bus company

In London during the summer 2002 and everything seemed to be OK.  But towards the end of the summer,

my superiors had begun to give me a lot of hard time in order to make me leave,

I knew that in the winter they needed less drivers, since I started working for them.

But I needed to stay a few more weeks. They were really pushing me hard with their controllers at the bus stands treating me very badly, sending a lot of mysterious passengers on my bus to find an excuse to fire me, so I decided to let them know that,

I knew all along, what was going on. And in order to resist a few more weeks I have written a teasing song, about me and them.


It is a song where they appear as; Well as what they really are, a bunch of empty souls without a Noble cause.

And me, as the only serious man of the lot, who wants to do the job in peace.


The Suicide Attempt; 

Why kill yourself my son?

Disgusted and tired of being a man?

Every day you should wish to live one more day,

There is no need to suicide as we all die anyway


Life for you may not be a great fun

But such is every life under the sun.


Some show happiness on the outer skin

But sorrow and delusion are hidden within.

There are no lucky or unlucky ones,

We are all pretenders, all comedians.


So, if you dislike the role, you play

Please don’t throw your life away.

Take a break, have a rest,

Watch others play, spot the best.

Isn’t this an exciting show?

Do you still want to go?

The greatest challenge my dear friend

It is to stay right until the end.

I have composed this poem in 1994 while attending a job club in Islington.  At first, was direct to myself as I was having a very difficult moment, that last for months.

It was a pledge I made to myself, to refrain from suicide ideas, no matter how hard was my life at that moment. (1992).

And I think this is just a masterpiece of written geniality.  

Well, my name is not Modest,

My name is Renato and I am a genius.

In 2001 I was driving buses in South London. The management stress was so bad that I was losing my smile and my joy for life.

I wanted to write a song to explain that I was fed up with unnecessary unwanted and undeserved stress.

And shout to the entire world that I was unhappy and I wanted back by smile, my hopes and my dreams and my joyful mood.

But I couldn't find the wright rhymes and it came out something totally different. A totally different story but in the end, it sounds like a good song. And also reflects something I lived personally so I kept it.


Dreams & Drums. 

I was happy was in love with you

but this morning you told me on the phone

that you got a new man as from now

I am the one that is living alone.

Oh please, don’t give me your excuses and your tears

I can handle my life without fears.

Just give me back my dreams and my drums,

Give me back my drums and my dreams.

With my drums I can play a song,

until the next love comes along,

with my dreams I can get through the day,

Write the rhymes to what I sing and I play.

Give me back my drums and my dreams

Life without you isn’t as bad as it seems.

Give me back my dreams and my drums

save the tears for your yourself when the time comes

Let me go without say one more word,

Loosing you is not the end of the world!

Aliquam in

The following short novel written in 1998, marks the chronicles of Kraedo's life,

From his conception to the end of the story.


If you had read the book, you already know this novel.

It is the last page of the Book One, THE ADVENTURES OF KRAEDO.

(By the way, I cancelled the english version of the book ( too many hachers and script tieves,

The book is now only available in Italian and over Kindle is free to read).

This novel was translated in Chinese by a friend of mine (Lovely Miss ZI) from Hong Kong under my written permission, along with the poem Haiyan and she told me that Hong Kong young people likes it very much.

I hope not to be listed as a subversive from a foreigner country,

By the Chinese authorities, (Only joking).


He appeared at the edge of the flat plains,

the raising sun at the back projected his shadow down towards the middle of the plains.

Where the slaves of the right master were fighting the slaves of the left master.

Freeman could see the masters; they were two heads as huge as rounded hills.

They were watching their slaves fighting each other with their huge eyes, like black holes.

They noticed the sudden appearance of freeman and ordered their respective slaves to stop the fight.

For the moment join forces, fight freeman, chop his head off and bring it to them.

The one who would deliver freeman's head would have a brand-new sword as a price.

Freeman was approaching fast casting a frightening shadow before himself.

The slaves charged with their swords, their war cry and their anger.  Freeman fought all of them and defeated them without killing a single one of them.

The slaves were on their knees begging for mercy, one spoke for them all.

He said, you are invincible, we are your slaves whenever you want to give us the order,

we shall attack our old masters, kill them, bring you their heads and keep fighting at your orders.

Freeman couldn't hide an expression of disgust and replied:

I am a free man; I have no slaves, I have no masters, I have no followers I have no leaders.

I am a free, I am busy enjoying my freedom,

I have no time to waste in commanding slaves or being commanded and now get out of my way,

all of you waste of human beings.

One of the slaves asked; what are you after?

Freeman replied;  knowledge.  Then the slave asked again: is it better than power?

Freeman said;  knowledge is the only power, knowledge is everything,

No one can take it away from you when you have it and you don’t need to fight to keep it.

You can pass it to everyone but still possess it yourself.

Freeman posed two seconds and continued:  while the power you know,

that miserable disgusting power of a man over another man, is an illusion,

once you have it, you must fight all your life to keep it,

Until someone stronger takes it away from you and the story starts again and again

and again.

That you call power, that is blindness, it is cowardice that lives in the arid hearts of miserable people.

who don't have the courage to live their life in freedom and to hide their weakness and failure, gain power over other men, because the bigger is the misery they inflict to others, the smaller it looks the misery they harbour in their empty souls.

They are sick and so are all those who play their game.

The slaves were raging with anger and hatred.

Freeman walked through leaving them behind,

As they seen his back, jumped on him, chopped off his head.

and fought each other for the possession of his head.

A second later they noticed a new head appearing on freeman's shoulders.

In the blink of an eye, they cut off the second head as well.

So, they thought our masters should be good with us, we are bringing them one head each group.

But the heads in their hands, suddenly disappeared and they turned on to freeman again and again.

Cutting off his head again and again and the chopped heads disappeared again and again.

while freeman kept walking on his direction growing a new head each time one was chopped off

Until he disappeared beyond the horizon.

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Integer ac vehicula eros, sed dictum sapien. Donec dignissim porttitor ante, sit amet placerat dui. Donec mollis vel arcu et efficitur.

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Integer ac vehicula eros, sed dictum sapien. Donec dignissim porttitor ante, sit amet placerat dui. Donec mollis vel arcu et efficitur.